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"Clean & impregnated" economy set with upholstery cleaner & impregnator

Only the best for your sofa! Our value set for clean and protected upholstery.

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Hilft bei

Verschmutzungen, Fett, Kaffee, Rotweinflecken


Sofas, Couches, Autositze, Teppiche, Matratzen, Läufer, Bezüge


Alle Textile (auch Kunstfaser, Wolle & Mikrofaser)


Porentiefe Reinigung, Fleckenentfernung, Nadelduft

Problem & Lösung

Herkömmliche Reinigungsmittel entfernen hartnäckige Flecken wie Fett, Kaffee oder Rotwein oft nicht zuverlässig und hinterlassen unangenehme Gerüche.

Der Emma Grün Polsterreiniger nutzt eine kraftvolle Formel und eine hochwertige Polsterbürste, um tiefsitzende Verschmutzungen porentief zu reinigen. Er ist universell einsetzbar für verschiedene Textiloberflächen und wirkt als Textilerfrischer, der unangenehme Gerüche bindet. Mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen ist dieser Reiniger effektiv und umweltfreundlich.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients without hazard symbols, easily biodegradable.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.


The stain must go:

​1. Clean the area of ​​dust and dirt beforehand.
2. Spray the stain from about 10 centimeters away.
3. Then you need to gently work the cleaner in using a brush, sponge or cloth.
4. After the product has taken effect, take a damp cloth and rub.
5. For stubborn stains, repeat the process.

Protection against dirt:

1. Then apply the waterproofing spray evenly using the fine spray mist and allow it to dry. By the way: It works without heat activation and allows materials to breathe.
2. Done! Your textiles are now optimally protected from water, dirt and future contamination!

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area. Keep away from children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Water, solvents, washing soda, vegetable emulsifiers, green surfactants, perfume, preservatives

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

Häufige Fragen

Bio-zertifiziert 🎉

Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007) Hier gibt's mehr dazu

Gründer aus Überzeugung

Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Riecht angenehm und reinigt gut

Ich habe mit dem Polsterreiniger die Autositze gereinigt und die Sitze sehen super aus. Außerdem ist der dezente Duft anhaltend und angenehm.
Mit dem Imprägnierspray habe ich meine Winterjacke eingesprüht. Ich habe zwei Anwendungen gemacht, jedoch scheint der Abperleffekt nur minimal zu sein. Werde ich auf anderem Material nochmal ausprobieren.
Auch das Sneakerset habe ich schon benutzt und habe mich über die Wirksamkeit gefreut. Meine weißen Stiefel glänzen wieder.

Stefanie B.

"Sauber & imprägniert" Spar-Set mit Polsterreiniger & Imprägnierer

Sabine S.
Tolles Set

und alles nachhaltig, gefällt mir .

Impregnating a convertible roof: Proper care for fabric roofs!

For proud convertible owners, summer is the best time of the year. For many drivers, finally being able to drive around with the top down and let the wind blow through their hair is part of the perfect driving experience. To enjoy this "way of life" for a long time, you should take care of your convertible roof properly and waterproof it at regular intervals. In the following text, you will find out why waterproofing fabric roofs is important, what you should pay attention to and how best to go about it.


What material are convertible roofs made of?

Convertible tops are usually made of fabric, which is extremely durable due to its high quality. A fabric roof is made from three different layers. They are characterized by the following specific properties:

  • The upper class:In addition to the individual color, the first layer is extremely insensitive to light. High levels of UV radiation cannot harm the roof. The prerequisite for this is appropriate care.
  • The intermediate layer:The middle fabric layer of the convertible top is made of synthetic rubber. It guarantees that the car roof is waterproof.
  • The inner layer:The lower layer resembles a car roof and is responsible for the appearance.

In a new convertible, the material used to make the top is already water-resistant and light-fast, which is similar to impregnation. This is why it is not necessary to impregnate the top of a new car. However, the material is exposed to changing weather conditions, which can make it brittle. This means that water and moisture can penetrate the car interior. This can be prevented with the right care and early impregnation.


Impregnating a convertible top: When does impregnation make sense?

From when and how often you shouldImpregnate fabric roofshould depends on the external influences the roof is exposed to. Some convertible owners only take their best piece out of the well-tempered garage when the sun is shining, stow it in a protective top compartment while driving and immediately remove any dirt. If you do your due diligence, you can say that a waterproofing treatment only needs to be refreshed every few years. Convertible drivers, on the other hand, who cannot park their darling in the garage and use their car even in bad weather, should take care of it more often.

Caution: When waterproofing, you should always make sure that you use the right product. If you think: Oh, the packaging is smiling at me, the contents will be perfect for waterproofing my convertible top, then that can quickly backfire. Chemical ingredients can damage the fabric irreparably. Another problem caused by unsuitable products is that the so-called protective layer gets stuck between the fabric fibers and provides an ideal surface for soot, fine dust and dirt to adhere to. But that is precisely not the point of waterproofing. That is why you should avoid products that list chemical ingredients on the back of the bottle and make your top weatherproof with a natural waterproofing agent.


Impregnating a car roof: First you need to clean it!

Before you waterproof your convertible top, you should clean it. However, driving it through the car wash is taboo! Cleaning it with a high-pressure cleaner could also damage your convertible roof in the worst case scenario. Instead, you should brush the roof with a soft natural bristle in the direction of the fabric structure. Then grab a bucket of lukewarm water and add a little sustainable universal cleaner. Using a sponge, you can now remove all dirt from your car roof by hand. Once the dirt has disappeared through the treatment, we recommend that you use asoft damp clothSo, now your fabric roof is ready for the next step: waterproofing.

Important: Check your roof after every trip for stubborn stains such as bird droppings, insect excrement or tree resin. It is best to remove this type of dirt as quickly as possible with a soft, damp sponge.


Why are convertibles not allowed in the car wash?

For convertibles that have a plastic roof, driving through a car wash is usually no problem. Some car washes even offer a special program that allows automatic cleaning. To ensure that the convertible roof is not damaged in the system, the brushes operate with less contact pressure, among other things.

Convertibles with a fabric roof, on the other hand, should not be cleaned in a car wash. The risk of water and cleaning agents penetrating the interior of the car and the brushes or fabric strips causing irreparable damage to the material would simply be too great.


Convertible top waterproofing: step-by-step instructions!

With the right waterproofing agent, you can achieve what is known as the lotus effect. The protective layer ensures that the fabric roof is protected from dirt and moisture, and dirt and moisture simply roll off the surface. This prevents the roof from becoming porous and leaky over time and, in the worst case, rain getting in. To make sure that this phenomenon works, you should pay attention to a few things. This is the best way to proceed:

  1. The first thing you should do is clean your convertible top.
  2. Afterwards you wear theenvironmentally friendly impregnating agentsApply it over the roof and let it dry.
  3. Keep the convertible roof closed while it dries. This will prevent moisture from getting into the interior of your car and causing mildew or mold. The waterproofing should also be completely dry before the next rain shower.

Additional heat activation is not necessary for most sustainable waterproofing agents. This has the advantage that the pores of the material are not clogged and the material can breathe. That's why it's a good idea to take a close look when buying and pay particular attention to the ingredients and the instructions for use.